Thursday, April 1, 2010

Nivo Slider: jQuery Image Slider With Multiple Transitions

Nivo Slider: jQuery Image Slider With Multiple Transitions:

Nivo Slider is a lightweight jQuery plugin that lets you create image slider with 9 unique transition effects: sliceDown, sliceDownLeft, sliceUp, sliceUpLeft, sliceUpDown, sliceUpDownLeft, fold, fade and random. Nivo Slider is a cross browser plugin and has been tested in following browsers: Internet Explorer 7+, Firefox 3+, Google Chrome 4, and Safari 4.

Nivo Slider is really easy to implement and requires simple markup with images wrapped inside a div element. To to add a caption you simply need to add a title attribute to the image. In addition to left and right buttons, it can display navigation controls enabling users to jump from one slide to another. Nivo Slider also provides several configuration options, enabling you to customize its behavior.


  • Nine unique transition effects
  • Simple clean & valid markup
  • Ability to configure animation speed, pause and number of slices
  • Enable /disable directional and control navigation
  • Ability to add beforeChange and afterChange functions

Developed by Gilbert Pellegrom; Nivo Slider is available for download under the GPL License. You can find further information, demo & download on Nivo Slider Website.

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